This advocacy is born out of a heart that is passionate to witness a generation where every woman is well-aware of her worth in a holistic point-of-view: physically, emotionally, socially, legally and most of all, spiritually and Biblically.

In a world where women experience inequality, violence and discrimination, this advocacy aims to raise up Christ-Empowered Women, who live to empower her home, her husband, her children, her ministry and career, her generation and her nation.

This advocacy believes that this is her time because she is PRISCILLA TODAY.

Friday, June 28, 2013

On Getting Hired right after Graduating

I haven't been writing in this blog for so long since my graduation...why?

Because I got hired just days after getting my diploma and things are really getting crazy busy in the office! (GOOD CRAZY at that.) In fact, during my graduation rehearsal week, I was going in and out (and in and out) of my school, going back and forth for my scheduled interviews in One MEGA Group Inc.

It seems as though I was living two lives during that week---one moment I'm in school practicing for our grad ceremonies and the next thing I know, I'm sitting in the office lobby waiting for someone from the HR to call me for my interviews. Yes, interviews. There was like 6 sets of interviews! It actually drove me crazy, like...So I passed this interview, do I get the job now?...Oh, I have another interview. Okay so I think I did great in this next interview, I get the job now? Oh not yet, there's another.

And I stare at the ceiling every night thinking, Will this ever end?

On the serious note, I think I was one of the few fresh grads who immediately got a job in only a week's time right after graduating. Others wanted to experience summer, others wanted to take a break for a year, others are looking for a job but are still in the process of waiting, and they ask me how I got hired so swiftly.

I have five things in mind:

1. I APPLIED EARLY - I was aware that March was the season that resumes will pile up buckets and buckets in every company's Human Resources Department. I, of course, did not want to have my resume buried 10 feet under thousand other resumes. So, January, I started applying.

2. I DECIDED WHERE I WANTED TO BE AND TO GO - I have always been the kind of person who sets goals and makes sure she accomplishes it. When I was in the middle of my college life, I made a timeline of how I wanted my career to go. I decided I wanted to be an author of a novel someday, but it doesn't mean I'm gonna be one right immediately after graduation. It is a PROOOOOOOOCESSSS, a looooong loooooong process.

So since I wanted to be an author, I thought I needed to take the editorial career path, where I can grow more as an established writer. I applied in several magazine publishing companies, but I chose to be in One MEGA Group Inc. (and I'll be writing in the next blog why!)

It is vital that one knows what she wants in life and there always has to be an ultimate goal. Without a clear goal in mind, there wouldn't be a clear and bright path ahead. You can't just throw yourself out there and see where the ocean takes you. Have a main focus.

3. I ENJOYED INTERVIEWS - Some people sweat nervously like mad whenever they're about to be interviewed, but somehow I get super excited for it rather than be all nervous. Aside from the fact that I love talking, I find comfort in the fact that the questions they are going to ask me, will be questions about me anyway. So why be nervous? You have all the answers with you!

I also love interacting. I make sure that the interview wouldn't be all about me and that the interviewer would also enjoy talking to me. I do ask questions about the company as well. It actually helps eliminate some quiz-y questions. Get ahead and ask them, for example "What are the core values of the company," instead of them asking you first about what you know about the company's core values and you sit there like a statue saying the magic "uhmmm...uhmmm..uhmmm?" Asking first is a BIG help =D it will even make them see how eager you are to know more about them and how passionate you are to get in.

4. I WAS CONFIDENT WITH WHO I AM - Cliche as it may sound, confidence is the key! Don't just think that you need the company, also keep in mind that the company needs you. Be that ideal applicant they are looking for. Reflect on what your strengths are and acknowledge your weaknesses. I knew so much to myself that my school, Miriam College, has given me not only quality education, but it has also shaped up the passion in me to strive for excellence as a woman. Miriam College has empowered me and has programmed me to get out there and shine.

Graduating with honors was only a bonus, but I mostly get my confidence from my involvement in various extracurricular organizations where I learned a lot about professionalism, teamwork, and self-improvement. I really do recommend students to be active in extracurriculars. There is so much more than the four walls of the classroom. It is a big confidence booster knowing that you can do so much more than just going to school, attending classes, and going home. But it's a big challenge though, like I had to balance my studies with dance rehearsals, theater rehearsals, newsletter writing, film production, and a lot lot more.

5. EYES ON THE ULTIMATE GOAL - Just focus. I want to be a novel author. That is why I strive hard now, even just as an Editorial Assistant, to learn about meeting people, interviewing them, making connections with them, and writing. Patience. Again, it's a PROOOOOOOOOOOCESS.

I can't wait to tell you guys about my work in One MEGA Group Inc. The opportunities they are giving me are very overwhelming. I get to interview famous people and I get to write about it and have my MAGAZINE articles published every month. Will be writing about it in my next blogs!

But for now, here's my glam and lovely ID from One MEGA Group Inc.