There's this beautiful phrase that seems to haunt me for a lifetime and will probably go on following me until forever— those words are perfectly tailored together that I consistently wake up in the morning with this in mind and sleep at night praying deeply for it.
This has become my heart's deepest desire and my life's battle-cry...
To be "Like a lily among the thorns" |
If you take this phrase into the context of Song of Solomon 2:2 (where it was originally written,) you would find that it revolves around the themes intimacy, romance, and Godly love, BUT God impressed this verse in my heart in a TOTALLY DIFFERENT light—which focuses merely and only on the "lily among the thorns" itself—the woman individually.
We have come to a point in time where women are not just career-driven but are also conquering mountains as leaders in their own field—whether its media, art, church, family, school, businesses and more.
With a fast-progressing number of women making an impact in a secular environment, known as the modern-day Babylon, I strongly feel that God is once again calling out all the young women in His church to be "like a lily among the thorns."
But what does God mean exactly? What does it take to be one?
Five Characteristics
of the "Lily among the thorns"
of the "Lily among the thorns"
1. It is PURE |
With "whiteness that is matchless," lily has been considered a symbol of innocence and purity. I believe that God has called us, young women of His church, to go the extra mile in protecting our own minds and guarding our own hearts from the impurities that the present society (especially the influential media) is feeding us and we unconsciously let in.
It is, of course, easier said than done. In our circle of friends it seems so impossible not to blend in with them. BUT—if you've made a choice to be the set-apart girl or the "lily among thorns" that God has called us to be, you should know what your limitations are and when to say (read: politely) the word NO.
Heeding to the "Lily among thorns" call is a serious commitment of a woman to God. Being the "lily among thorns" is being the bride of Christ--a woman who is fully given over to the King, a woman who is completely surrendered and dependent upon Jesus, a woman forgiven, washed clean and made new. Ready to be "set apart" for no one but the King.
"Come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean and I will receive you."
2 Corinthians 6:17
Picture an actual lily among the thorns. We would surely appreciate such picture because despite all the scary thorns around, we still see the beauty in it because of that one single lily that radiates and spreads its fragrance and beauty throughout its surroundings. And just like that, we must be a blessing abiding and scattering its delights in the midst of the curse. We are expected to bring out the beauty in others by our sincerest words of encouragement and prayer.
3. IN DANGER, but still HARMLESS |
A true set-apart girl knows not
to harm the people around her, even though she is set in a position where she
can easily be destroyed by all the thorns surrounding her. She doesn't know the word 'revenge'.
She is the lily that
stings no one despite living among those who are full of pricks. She aims to
please and not to provoke and despite rubbing arms with those who are full of
thorns. Hers is the spirit of Daniel in the lion's den! The thorn nastily scratches
and shreds—it is all equipped from its deepest root to its highest branch, frightening
every corner. But there stands the lily—smiling, not threatening—charming and
not harming!
4. It is NOT in the GARDEN |
But it is AMONG THORNS. Just like the fact that not all lilies live in the garden, not all women can be in church 24/7 and not all are meant to work full-time in the official form of church ministry. There maybe women who are privileged to live comfortably as lilies in the garden, but there are surely women who are made to be lilies among thorns--like most of us. We have been called by God to the ungodliest places and there we are expected to bring the light in the midst of darkness and thorns.
Take heart, fellow set-apart girls, and realize that this makes us "beautiful with a purpose!"
5. It is SET
Again, it is set
apart but NOT LEFT ALONE. It is among thorns, and not away from thorns.
Being the set apart girl does not mean you should lock yourself
away from civilization and hide in a cave where you can never been seen by the
worldly. In fact, being the set apart girl requires you to immerse with the
world while not being swayed by it, but rather you are there to conform the
world into the Christian testimony that you are carrying—which is a difficult
but rewarding responsibility to take.
Why does God put lilies among thorns? I think that it is because
God works mightily especially through things that don’t seem that strong at
first glance, like a fragile-looking lily. It is because God makes use of any
single thing and every single thing for major transformations and powerful
revolutions.—like how it is written, “The wilderness and the solitary place
shall be glad for them and the desert shall rejoice and blossom as the
So, if you feel out of place and set apart in your circle, you are the "lily among thorns" and it is you whom our Gardener smiles upon. He can set one Christian in a godless family til she shares the beautiful light with the first one and then, another and it shall go on and on until it spreads like wildfire. And by His grace, the fragrance of one sweet Godly lady like you shall be scattered upon the prickly grove of the ungodly and will turn her "once-full-of-thorns" world into a beautiful garden of lilies that is pleasing to the Gardener's eyes!
All because of one lily.
That's the power of one!
i was so touched by what you wrote, Hazel. am so happy you did. may you write some more to touch and transform your generation. may the light you carry truly shine brightly in the deepening darkness. love you.