This advocacy is born out of a heart that is passionate to witness a generation where every woman is well-aware of her worth in a holistic point-of-view: physically, emotionally, socially, legally and most of all, spiritually and Biblically.

In a world where women experience inequality, violence and discrimination, this advocacy aims to raise up Christ-Empowered Women, who live to empower her home, her husband, her children, her ministry and career, her generation and her nation.

This advocacy believes that this is her time because she is PRISCILLA TODAY.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Happy All Things New!

Instead of greeting you a "Happy New Year!," please allow me to be do it differently, as I welcome you in a season of "Happy All Things New!" 

Let me start my first blog entry of 2016 by asking you this question: How was the twelve months of 2015 to you? What were the changes that took place in your life this year?

Personally, 2015 felt like the wrecking ball of my life—not that it was the ‘destructive’ wrecking, but it was more like a purposeful wrecking that fearlessly eradicated all the old things, the past struggles and all the issues around me left without closure yet. It was a wrecking that guaranteed the change I was looking for—my life’s greatest renovation…the promise of ALL THINGS NEW…a newly built fortress where I find real security and stability. And this, I claim in 2016!

But honestly, of course, the ‘wrecking’ process was definitely NOT an easy feat. I’ve found myself dealing with bigger issues and more complicated circumstances that I never thought I would face. It was a kind of season where I was kind of living day to day…wondering where I was heading to, if I was going anywhere, if I could still take it the next days—it was a kind of season that brings on excitement, but also extreme anxiety and it’s like you never feel like you’re standing on solid ground. Everyday of 2015, things just came up one after the other, blessings from God and attacks of the enemy came one after the other. It’s like one day I feel happy and contented and the next day, it’s all fears and insecurities.

Then eventually, I’ve discovered the most efficient and encouraging formula for getting through the season of wrecking (and I hope it will encourage you whenever you find yourself in the middle of your own ‘wrecking’ season).  And the answer is……to keep in tuned with your spiritual senses.

Okay. Pause, hold on. I think it might’ve sounded a bit too spiritual, but it’s actually really simple! And in Pastor Jerome Ocampo’s preaching last Sunday, I think he explained thoroughly yet comprehensively how it is to “keep in tuned with your spiritual senses”—how to look beyond what the eye can see.

The best New Year’s resolution we can make (not only for 2016 but also) for the rest of our lives is: 1) To look at every ADVERSITY and search for GOD’S GREATER PLAN. To not just look at the PROCESS but to also look for GOD’S PURPOSE. Remember that the process is only temporary, but His Purpose is eternal. 2) To look at every uncertainty, and use it to build our trust. Remember God’s Word in Isaiah 55:8-10, “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” declares the Lord.For as the heavens are higher than the earth,So are My ways higher than your ways. And My thoughts than your thoughts.”

God is too wise to be mistaken,
Too good to be unkind.
So when you don’t understand,
When you don’t see His plan.
When you can’t trace His hand,

Trust His heart.

For whatever situation you find yourself trapped in, always look at God’s viewpoint. He is above, so he looks ABOVE your problems…so do not look AT your problems, but look ABOVE your problems. See to it that there is a greater purpose for the wrecking. Wrecking balls smash buildings down to pieces but they are what architects and engineers need if they plan to build better beautiful buildings.

Do yourself a favor and admit to yourself your old bad habits, struggles and issues that held you back from fully grasping the "new things" God has for you! If you keep holding on to those things, you are (at the same time), delaying yourself from reaching your own destiny. The more you play, the more you delay.  

Let your problems wreck every old things you had a hard time letting go of. If you are struggling with sicknesses, let it help you let go of the unhealthy lifestyle or habits you were once living. If you are struggling with emotional pain, let it help you let go of your insecurities and let it push you to seek security and intimacy in the love of God. It it’s financial problems, let it wreck your habit of worrying with the amount of money left in your little bank account and let it help you build a trusting relationship with the unlimited resources of your Provider through seizing every opportunity to save and grow your money.

Just keep your senses open to all the issues your situations are exposing, then WRECK WHAT HAS TO BE WRECKED, BUILD WHAT HAS TO BE BUILT....keeping in mind that God will make all things bright and beautiful in His perfect time! 

"Wreckings" in life are actually blessings in disguise. It leaves you with no choice but to build again from scratch. It frees you from your chains or "attachments" to the old habits, old cycles, old struggles. It crashes down your walls to show you that there is more outside your little comfort zone. 

So whenever you feel like going through these "wreckings," look beyond your situation and see how you can improve from it. But for now, I invite you to ask yourselves: What changes have you been praying for this 2016? What are the old habits you need to wreck down? What are the new habits you need to build? What are the old issues you need to deal with and close? What are the new things in your life that you have to strengthen and flourish? How will you PUSH yourself to make every single day in 2016 a step closer to the person that God has destined you to be? What can you accomplish today that will help you accomplish your biggest goal for the year?

Because you know that God cannot hand you something new, unless you let go of what you were holding onto, right?

Just like 2015, 2016 holds so much more for us—blessings and trials, laughter and pains, victories and setbacks. And as a church, we surely are all in this together! AS ONE! 

Once again.... HAPPY ALL THINGS NEW!

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