This advocacy is born out of a heart that is passionate to witness a generation where every woman is well-aware of her worth in a holistic point-of-view: physically, emotionally, socially, legally and most of all, spiritually and Biblically.

In a world where women experience inequality, violence and discrimination, this advocacy aims to raise up Christ-Empowered Women, who live to empower her home, her husband, her children, her ministry and career, her generation and her nation.

This advocacy believes that this is her time because she is PRISCILLA TODAY.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

WRITER DIARIES: Anatomy of the #Selfie Culture-What is Selfish and What is Not

If you were born between 1970 to 2003, then you surely have found yourself breathing the same air and walking alongside people of the so-called "#Selfie Generation"--that you are inevitably much a part of, whether you like it or not.

With the rise of the virtual dimension and of the #selfie phenomenon, it is undeniable that we have given "me, myself & I" a whole new meaning. Mark Zuckerburg's addicting invention of an online social platform has brought about the flooding of self-taken pictures (that annoyingly look all the same) and is responsible for the unstoppable overflowing unsolicited information regarding everyone's whereabouts and where-have-been-abouts up to what they are doing, what they had for lunch, where they're going....and! ehem, who are they fighting with.

What a perfect way to define

WRITER DIARIES: 12 Acts of SELFIE-shness

SELF-EXPRESSION is now the most normal phenomenon that happens online....but let this serve as a reminder for all of us NOT go overboard, so that we all may live a happy peaceful life in the virtual world of social networking.

Monday, February 10, 2014

REAL TALK: Role Models are Better than Super Models

I'd rather be a role model than a super model. 

There's something much more to a girl photographed because of what she has been through and what she has accomplished, than a girl photographed just because of the way she looks. 

Photo (c) Dek Carillo

REAL TALK: Power of One's "The Set-Apart Girl"

There's this beautiful phrase that seems to haunt me for a lifetime and will probably go on following me until forever— those words are perfectly tailored together that I consistently wake up in the morning with this in mind and sleep at night praying deeply for it.

This has become my heart's deepest desire and my life's battle-cry...

To be "Like a lily among the thorns" 

White Tiger Lily Beautiful Hd Walpaper Wallpaper

If you take this phrase into the context of Song of Solomon 2:2 (where it was originally written,) you would find that it revolves around the themes intimacy, romance, and Godly love, BUT God impressed this verse in my heart in a TOTALLY DIFFERENT lightwhich focuses merely and only on the "lily among the thorns" itself—the woman individually.

We have come to a point in time where women are not just career-driven but are also conquering mountains as leaders in their own fieldwhether its media, art, church, family, school, businesses and more. 

With a fast-progressing number of women making an impact in a secular environment, known as the modern-day Babylon, I strongly feel that God is once again calling out all the young women in His church to be "like a lily among the thorns.

But what does God mean exactly? What does it take to be one?

Five Characteristics 
of the "Lily among the thorns"