This advocacy is born out of a heart that is passionate to witness a generation where every woman is well-aware of her worth in a holistic point-of-view: physically, emotionally, socially, legally and most of all, spiritually and Biblically.

In a world where women experience inequality, violence and discrimination, this advocacy aims to raise up Christ-Empowered Women, who live to empower her home, her husband, her children, her ministry and career, her generation and her nation.

This advocacy believes that this is her time because she is PRISCILLA TODAY.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

WRITER DIARIES: The Naked Truth is the Enemy's Lie

So as I was starting to write about BENCH Naked Truth and scanning all the photos (since I didn't make it to the event), my blood just boiled over images where Coco Martin walked the runway holding a female model ON A LEASH! LIKE A DOG.
I'm not even posting a support photo. It's just too bad.
How degrading can this be for women? This is the reason why women are still struggling to get the respect they deserve. Women today strive in their own careers, caring for their family. But media still portrays women in a very dehumanizing light. Feminist na kung feminist.
Sorry Bench, but I'm writing in a different way. Yes, I am in this world, but I am NOT OF THIS WORLD. I just don't share the same values with your brand. I LIVE AND I WILL SPEAK UP FOR THE TRUTH......I will not support the enemy's lies and traps disguised in the name of "naked truth."

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