This advocacy is born out of a heart that is passionate to witness a generation where every woman is well-aware of her worth in a holistic point-of-view: physically, emotionally, socially, legally and most of all, spiritually and Biblically.

In a world where women experience inequality, violence and discrimination, this advocacy aims to raise up Christ-Empowered Women, who live to empower her home, her husband, her children, her ministry and career, her generation and her nation.

This advocacy believes that this is her time because she is PRISCILLA TODAY.

Monday, July 22, 2013

How to Choose the RIGHT College Course

I almost took up NURSING. And oh,thank Heavens I didn’t!

Admit it. High school years aren't an easy-breezy season of your life where you have all the time for a series of guidance counseling or even a soul searching trip to Europe. With all the demands of studies, extracurricular activities,competitions, reviews, responsibilities, matched with fixing application forms for colleges and universities, most seniors try to quickly make up their mind on which course to apply for because of a very limited small amount of time.

College course is not just an eenie-meenie-mini-moe decision and definitely not a matter of one size fits all. Each and every individual has a purpose that God tailor-made to fit them perfectly, and that is why it is really important that

BE the Princess in Shining Armor: NOT the Damsel in Distress

I am in love with anything that is fairy-tale inspired. I am captivated by the idea of someday being able to experience that most beautiful, magical,painful, terrifying, maddening, and joyous feeling that is meticulously described in every fantasy-princess storybooks. I would love to someday live my own ‘happily ever after’—but somehow,in the present, it seems as though I decided that I would NEVER EVER EVER aspire to follow HOW these fictional princesses got themselves into their so-called “happy endings.”

Growing up with Disney princesses affected my way to perceiving a girl’s life and a girl’s role in society. These stories subtly instilled to me messages about the thought of every girl needing that “perfect prince charming” to bring change into their lives, to save them from the rut they’re living, to reach their dreams, and finally to live that happily ever after. It was prince charming who changed Cinderella’s life from rags to riches. It was prince charming who brought back life to Snow White with a true love’s kiss. It was prince charming who killed the dragon and saved a patiently-waiting Rapunzel in the tower. It was prince charming who woke Aurora up from her deep sleep. Ariel changed the way she is (mermaid),into something she is definitely not (human), just for the sake of prince charming. Is that right? Women solely relying her hopes, dreams, and future in the hands of men?

A woman of God is bound to live an abundant life in their own right and with that she must submit all her hopes, goals, aspirations, and plans solely in God’s handsand not in any man. Real women are not "Rapunzels" who idly sit on the tower waiting for a prince to come and bring her out. Real women strive to try and try and try to get herself out of her limitations. Real women are not "Cinderellas" whose way to riches is by easily making a prince fall in love with her and marry her, but rather she finds her passion and works hard enough to live a good life out of her own sweat and efforts. Real women are not "Ariels" who would change their whole identity just to be accepted in their man's world. Of course, it is okay to have someone special help you out, but my point is that it is not good and healthy to depend everything on "prince charming"—real women depend on GOD and persevere with her God-given talents.

Let me just make it clear that I have nothing against having the love of your life bring you closer to your dreams; in fact, I am admittedly a hopeless romantic who seems to be blindly optimistic and easily swayed—BUT! Growing up is inevitable and so is growing wiser (hopefully, in my case)...and these are few