This advocacy is born out of a heart that is passionate to witness a generation where every woman is well-aware of her worth in a holistic point-of-view: physically, emotionally, socially, legally and most of all, spiritually and Biblically.

In a world where women experience inequality, violence and discrimination, this advocacy aims to raise up Christ-Empowered Women, who live to empower her home, her husband, her children, her ministry and career, her generation and her nation.

This advocacy believes that this is her time because she is PRISCILLA TODAY.

Monday, March 10, 2014

PHOTOSHOOT: #NoFilterBeauty and HANA Shampoo

MEGA dares women who best personify natural beauty to empower themselves by showing off their most natural un-filtered beauty, as a support for Hana's nationwide digital campaign #NoFilterBeauty.

The Japanese beauty brand Shokubutsu offers women HANA Shampoo which uses 100% all-natural ingredients that goes beyond quick fixes through sustainable solutions and long-lasting effects to bring your hair back to its natural state--the way nature intended it to be. As HANA's brand manager Norman Mier puts it "We want to showcase hair in its natural glory."

Focus on what makes you naturally beautiful, without the retouching, studio lights, heavy makeup, and most especially. the digital tweaking, and just dare to go out in your most natural look! 

Real beauty is effortless. It's not about transforming into the look that isn't you, but rather real beauty is all about how you take good care of your well-being--just the way HANA takes good care of my hair.  #NoFilterBeauty #HanaShampoo
Photos (c) Jessica Murphy

Shokubutsu Hana Shampoo
hana shampoo2

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