This advocacy is born out of a heart that is passionate to witness a generation where every woman is well-aware of her worth in a holistic point-of-view: physically, emotionally, socially, legally and most of all, spiritually and Biblically.

In a world where women experience inequality, violence and discrimination, this advocacy aims to raise up Christ-Empowered Women, who live to empower her home, her husband, her children, her ministry and career, her generation and her nation.

This advocacy believes that this is her time because she is PRISCILLA TODAY.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

REAL TALK: The Life of the Party—A Different Kind

"You out clubbing? Well, I just made caramel delight." - Taylor Swift
Just because I don't like being in parties doesn't mean I'm an anti-party girl. I may be one of those "20-somethings" who's supposed to be out there spotted in the hippest hangouts of the BGC, socializing and dancing 'til she drops probably in the wee hours of the morning...but sadly partying really isn't my thing. 

Most of the time, the honest reason I attended parties before was simply just to avoid social death.

And I believe, there are more girls out there just like me who are feeling pressured to "act like 20-somethings" but really don't feel like it.

But should that make us less of a person?
I believe not. 

And I believe that girls like me (who are certified "Lolas at heart") shouldn't be judged for not fitting into what some deems as society's norm.  

It's not that we are wasting our youth, it's just there are other different things we like better...and different isn't bad, right?

Sure, partying is fun and it actually makes one feel alive and young. I can say that in the parties I've attended, I did enjoy....but not to the extent that I would crave the feeling of it and look forward to the next one. 

And if my work as a magazine writer would require me to attend parties at night and engage in some social drinking (meaning mine's Iced Tea), then sure, I'm game! I just can't do that as often as others would. 

As "Lola" as I may sound, I don't really like going home late, even just the thought of trying to hail a cab at around 2am while answering back to Mama's 12 missed calls and CAPSLOCK texts tires me enough even decide if I should attend a party or not. 

Every afternoon at work (NOTE: even on a Friday!) I'd daydream about the clock ticking 6 o'clock so that I may rush home, change to my pambahay, eat dinner like a caveman and laze around in the comfort of my bed sheets while listening to the tunes of my favorite voice Ed Sheeran...or maybe dance around to Taylor Swift...

...or have coffee with Mommy, which I really love doing.

But before you jump into conclusions about how anti-social I am of a person...let me correct you, immediately. I actually love going out with friends and I have a lot of them, but instead of heading to where the lights are dim and the music's turned (all the way) up, my friends and I would prefer killing time at quaint coffee shops or hole-in-the-wall restaurants and talk about life, then maybe have some drinks in a more chill place. 

And yes, we still do have our I-wanna-dance-into-loud-music moods all the time and we do give in to it—not in noisy hyped-up bars, of course—but in our happiest pajama parties at our homes!

Don't worry young "Lola" ladies...I think we have our celebrity peg....

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